Tuesday, September 9, 2008

womans work is never done

7th September

We are on our way home got on the road about 6am its just after 7am and we are stopping for breakfast and COFFEE, scott has just got the generator out, we had a nice view of the sea on the coast as well as Egmont in the back ground
Scott coming over the finishing line there were 3 up the road then a big bunch he came in the on the back of them. there were 40 in his race he got 18th which he was pleased about as he hasnt raced since he rode around lake Taupo end Nov-December. Didn't manage to get any photo's while he as racing as I fell asleep in the camper as I was smashed working shifts is hard work.

On the start line

Scott getting ready for his first race in a while.

7th September

all important coffee, this is our first weekend away Scott has a 95km race in Wanganui.

Makes Bills van look like a toy.


This is me at work we tip bulk bags 1- 2ton as well as tipping 25kg bags into the hole under the lids, yes I am building up my arms

21st August the big day

Scott driving the camper away this is our first day of ownership we are so excited.

9th August

Scott helping his mum and dad with there new bathroom he is fitting a fan.

July 26th we also got mum and dad to come over and check it out they also thought it would be ideal for us with the big storage at the back enough room for our bikes and the Vespa

I think it looks good in our drive way

July 26th we test drove the camper down to Hamilton.

Isn't it beautiful.

Kay gave me this to look after while they were away it was lovely and had a nice sent, think I might grow one of my own next time.

July 19th Kelly's big night

Kelly is the one in blue. She did this for a charity she didn't win the fight but she was awesome, she said it was one of the hardest things she has done. We were very proud of her, way to go Kelly.